Wednesday 27 February 2013


I was really intrigued when I saw these in Superdrug and needed to try them. I wasn't sure how this product wasn going to turn out. I used Sally Hansen Diamond Strength in clear to achieve the look I wanted. You can also use the a similar colour to the fluff, but I didn't have one, so I used the clear varnish.
I popped the sieve topper off as I felt I couldn't get as much fluff as I wanted. So taking it off meant that I could access the fluff easier, but I know a few bloggers who prefer it on.
I paint a layer of the clear nail polish, and while it's wet I pushed my nail into the fluff. I left it for about 20 seconds before taking it out, and I noticed it has a full coverage - Even though I had a clear coat. That aside, I do think a solid colour would look more stronger than a clear coat. I then repeated this to all my nails and left to dry - It's that simple.
What do I think overall? Once on the nails I treated it as clothes, after all it is a material-like substance on your nails. When my nails get wet the fluff has to dry. Also I noticed is that it gets slightly dirty, but that's to be expected. The wear of this to me is good. I had mine on for a few days before taking it off, but even then it had no chips, but the quality of your own base coat would prolong the wear. Another great point to this beauty is how quick it came off with nail polish remover. There was no scrubbing or buffing - a few sweeps of the remover on a cotton pad and you were good to go. If you don't like the look of this baby pink, try out their other shades which include a deep purple, bright blue, bright pink and fuchsia - There's a colour for you! If you're into statement nails these are a affordable £3 - £2 if you buy them now - with a decent amount of product. Get your fluff worthy fingers on them now, from Superdrug or MUA Online.

What do you think of fluffy nails?
Your favourite MUA product?
Have you used this product before?
I'd love to hear what you have to say, and I read
and respond to every comment.
Thanks for reading, beautiful!


  1. Looks cute! not sure I would go for all 10 nails with this but maybe 2 or 3 :-)

    1. That'd be so cute! :) I did my index fingers with it, and the rest white - That looked so cute! :) xx

  2. It is cute but I just couldn't do it, I think it would annoy me and I would pick it off xx

  3. Been dying to try this for a while! After how much my pearl beads manicure has been annoying me this week though I have a feeling this would do my head in xxx

    1. I found this better wearing than the beads actually! :D I just love all things nail art - But I can totally see where you're coming from. :) xxx

  4. this is so odd! looks like a teddy bear :P maybe it'd be cute to have one fuzzy heart in the middle and the rest of your nail red :0

    1. That is THE cutest idea ever!! May have to try that!! :D xx

  5. This looks really cute! I didnt really have too much interest in these but you've made me want to try them! x

    1. Too be honest I wasn't too fussed by them either, but when they were at £2 I thought I may as well try something new! xx

  6. Ahhhh...once again you've reminded me a of a look I should do again. I didn't know that MUA had a product just for creating this look, though. When I've done them, I used flocking powder from the craft store..hahah. They turned out more velvety...maybe the MUA product is fluffier? I think they're fun, though...might have to try it again!

    1. I'm glad I've inspired you!! :D They're good fun, I agree! xx

  7. I'm really not sure on this one. It looks cute, but not really me.

    Maybe for a fancy dress?


    1. I agree with what you're saying, they're a bit much but perfect to add some fun to a costume :) x

  8. So cute, can you use any nail polish to use the fluff?
    My little blog.

  9. Ahh they look so cool! I have been wanting to try them for ages but have been a bit apprehensive to try them. Manly because no one has done a review on them and I wasn't sure what would happen when i wash my hands or if they even stay on for that long. but thanks for that review, i will be sure to pick one of the colours up in superdrug.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed reading :) Let me know what you think of them when you get them, I'd love to know. :) x

  10. These are nice, what a cute name! I think the texture would grate on me though, great for a one nighter though!

    1. Yes - so good for a one nighter! And yes, I can imagine it getting on peoples nerves! xx

  11. Ooo I couldn't wear this the thought is making me cringe for some reason lol like the colour though :)

    1. Such a pretty colour. This is definitely like marmite. I think people will love it or hate it! :) xx

  12. Really love this! It just reminds me of Cher from Clueless and the 90's for some reason haha x

    Made In A Cup

  13. Saw these on MUA and wanted to try it but I don't think they would look great on me. I can't imagine myself with furry nails. I like the idea and novelty of it but in my opinion I don't think it looks that good.


    1. This is one of those products that people will love or hate. :) I agree, it is fun. :) Thanks for the comment! :) xx


Thanks for leaving a comment, I read them all and I will try to respond within 24 hours. Thank you for taking your time to do so! ♥