Sunday 10 February 2013


I've never tried any ORLY polish, so I was soooo excited when I picked this up at my local TKMaxx for £4. TKMaxx is my go to shop for all things beauty! For old hard to get collections to more up to date pieces, TKMaxx has it all - But you need to do some digging! Preamp is a gorgeous girly blue toned pink with millions of gold and fuchsia flecks swimming around. Preamp is from their Electionica Collection that was released last year, featuring dark blues and greys, so this is without a doubt the prettiest of the collection. I love how the bottle looks, a gorgeous rubbery handle that feels like luxury. The shape of the bottle, the writing and the handle gives it a modern, edgy and futuristic look.
Preamp goes on like a dream. The brush fans out perfectly, but the polish needed 3-4 coats to build a good colour, but one wash of this beauty over a pink polish could really make a statement. The formula of this polish is near enough perfect. It layers fantastically with no uneven coats or dragging. Because of how precise the brush is, and how much of a great consistency the varnish was I needed no clean ups. The pictures below are after 4 coats, and that alone. No clean ups or top coats.The only criticism about this beauty is how long it took to dry. It took a good 20 minutes before I was sure I could peel the price tag off this baby. It dried almost like a jelly finish and looked gorgeous. Depending on the light the glittery pieces shone pink, fuchsia, bronze or gold. This is such a good alternative to a classic girly pink with an edgy twist, this really is a treasure. The wear of this is amazing, and maybe the best I've had so far. I've had it on my finger tips for 5 days now, and can honestly say that I have no chips or cracks. So happy I picked this amazing product up! You can see all current ORLY collections here at BeautyBay for £7.50 each. You can get the Electronica Collection from places like Ebay and Amazon.

What do you think of this colour? Have you tried ORLY before? 
What is your favourite ORLY colour? Thank you so much for reading!!


  1. This looks so pretty!


    Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey!

    1. Thank you! :) And I will have a nose! :)

  2. what an absolutely gorgeous shade :)! xx

    1. Thank you!! :D I agree, I loooove this! :) x

  3. I love the colour!! Such a nice hint of gold! xx


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