Wednesday 18 February 2015


I am constantly changing my candles, so I stick to the Sampler sized Yankee Candles, priced at £1.80. I've always loved Yankee Candles from when my Nan used to own a card shop when I was a kid. My Nan used to always give my mum a candle, so Yankee Candles became an exciting part of my life. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I was obsessed with how they smelt. When I got old enough to be trusted with candles I was never given the opportunity to have my own, but now I have a student loan, I can afford a few treats!
These are my picks for spring time! Now I know you're probably expecting roses, flowers and fresh scents - but I am more into my fruit fragrances. I smelt Summer Scoop today in Boots and fell in love, but they only had the big jars so I ended up running around Norwich trying to find the Sampler. Summer Scoop smells heavenly, and is the scent that has been overpowering the others as it sat in my hand bag! It smells of berry fruits and cream, which sounds spot on to the name. It smells of that gorgeous home made ice cream you have down at the beach, none of that commercial jazz. Strawberry Buttercream is for the fans of anything sweet. This is very sweet, and really does smell of butter cream sprinkled with fresh strawberries! Citrus Tango is really zesty and citrusy, but I think this smells more of Grapefruit than anything else. This is a really refreshing scent and isn't that sweet at all. I can just about make out the hints of orange that echoes in this scent, but if you don't like Grapefruit I'd stay clear!

What's your favourite Yankee Candle?
Thanks for reading!


  1. Great post, I love candles, I love Summer Scoop. Need to pick it up so I'm ready for Spring xx


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