Thursday 20 August 2015


After months of planning our second Norwich Blogger event came around very quickly. It took us months to get together a good goody bag of a variety of brands we loved - We wanted the bags to be full of stuff we have used/would use ourselves - not just by any brand we could get our hands on. I must admit, that was the hard part. Luckily I got hold of Real Techniques, Angelica Nail Colours, Salcura and a bunch of other AMAZING brands, which you can read about here. We had such a lovely bunch of bloggers attend which was great. Some from our last event and some new faces. Creating a good, positive relationships with bloggers is so important, and I couldn't be happier with the lovely people we had attend. They're not just bloggers anymore, they're friends.
There was loads going on from the gorgeous stall from Just Essentials, hair tutorials by the lovely Lucy, media workshops, live music and yoga. The day was packed full of things for bloggers to enjoy. Just Essentials brought down some of their best sellers, I'm already a fan of the products they sold so I was already familiar with them! It was super lovely for them to come down, and they popped in some goodies into the bags for us which I have in my Goody Bag which you can see here. The girls where so helpful and even held a giveaway which the gorgeous Charley won. It was full of nail varnishes and eyelashes, so I was very jealous! 
We did some yoga which was so much fun! The weather was way too hot to be jumping around, so the yoga teacher did a lovely relaxing class which was perfect for the event. I'm a huge yoga fan so I was so excited when Courteney told me it was going to be at our event! We also had the beautiful Lucy doing hair tutorials. She spoilt us with so many gorgeous looks that were simple and elegant, perfect for all occasions. I learnt some really useful tips in her tutorials, and I was really inspired by some of the looks she did. She's so talented and I was in awe of her lovely looks, so a massive thank you to Lucy for doing some beautiful hair styles! Another shout out goes to Matt who did a social media workshop. He spoke about many interesting and useful points and I learnt a ton. I use Twitter to promote my blog mostly, but I learnt of the other ways you can do that. It was great to have a professional in, and I was grateful to him for learning so many new things!
We also had live music, where I played my ukulele and sang while they did the tombola. By the time I finished there were no prizes left! Well done to all the girls that won something! At the end of the day we handed out Savse smoothies, which went down a treat with the hot weather. They complimented the end of the day beautifully! I want to say a massive thank you to all the bloggers that attended! It was a lovely day and I look forward to holding events for you again. A huge thank you to all the brands involved too, you can see my goody bag here. A massive shout out to Courteney and Justine who were the other two masterminds behind the event! 

Thanks for reading!
Check out the Norwich Blogger Twitter here.


  1. This looks like such a fab event!
    Gold Dust

  2. Aw what a lovely event - it looks like a lot of hard work went into it - I hope you had time to sit down and enjoy yourself too! Those hairstyles are beautiful, I wish I could do that with my hair but I always fail badly at any attempt haha! x

    Laura | Loved By Laura

    1. It was such a lovely day! Hope to see you at them in the future!

  3. What a lovely day you all had! So brilliant that you've made lots of friends from this :)


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